Friday, September 26, 2014
Recording Level Meter Circuit
The circuit can be used with a tape recorder or audio mixer and should be fed from a point early in the pre-amp. Current consumption in a no-signal state is 2.8mA. The 12K preset gives a variation in sensitivity. The meter can be any general purpose type.

150 watt Inverter Circuit with Automatic Battery Charger Changeover Output
The circuit works automatically when mains supply fails and switches back to charging mode when the supply is resumed. A prototype of the same has been constructed by me and is in operation for the last 4% years, power in a 122 cm (4 feet) ceiling fan and a tube light. The circuit shown here may be divided into two sections: The first, charger section, includes step-down transformer Xl to provide l2V—0—l2V AC. When switched on through Sl, relay RLI gets energised by the DC voltage supplied by one set of full-wave rectifier comprising D3 and D4. This rectified DC voltage smoothed by C1 is again brought down to the required RLl coil voltage through R2 and C2. When RL1 gets energised, it connects the mains live line to the output socket through RLl’s N/O contacts. Diodes D1 and D2 form another set of full-wave rectifier which charges the battery through resistor R1 and the N/ C contacts of relay RL2.
The value of Rl should be so chosen as to give the desired current level. lt is advisable to have two or three resistors in parallel, each rated 25W. A 20 ampere meter may be connected between the battery`s negative terminal (after the fuse) and the RL2’s main contact to monitor the charging rate as well as the consumption during inverter operation. When the AC mains supply fails, relay RL1 gets deenergised and connects the live line of the secondary of the inverter transformer X2 to the output socket through its N/ O contacts. At the same time, RLl causes RL2 to operate through its N /C contacts. (lt is assumed that S2 is in on position.) ln this circuit the transistors operate as switches. Resis tors R3 through R6 are used to provide the requisite base drive through the feedback winding for starting the oscillations. , Slight imbalance in the two halves of the primary winding of X2 as well as in the component values, causes one set of transistors to conduct. Say, for example, T1 is conducting while T2 is off thus the supply to the top half of the primary winding through the RL2 contact (Of course it is assumed the mains supply is off and that switch S2 is in ON position) When T1 is in full Conduction, heavy current flows in the transformer which saturates the core causing the magnetic field to collapse as also the polarities of all the windings in X2 to reverse and also the switching positions of the transistors too. Because of the auto-transformer action, a potential of twice the supply voltage is developed across the total primary winding of X2, which is stepped up by the secondary winding. This process continues. R7, C4, D5 and D6 are used to protect the transistors from spikes while C3 and C5 are used to improve the oscillations. Resistors R8 and R9 have been incorporated to facilitate distribution of current equally amongst the transistors. The value of R8 and R9 is around 0.05 ohm each; these can be made by taking about 1.75 metres of 20S WG enamel wire and winding it over a pencil to give it the shape ·of a coil.
Some useful hints regarding the proposed inverter with charger changeover circuit
1. On switch on (S2), if the circuit does not function, reverse the feedback winding connection of one set (or both, if required). In other words, if the beginning of L2 is connected to emitter of Tl , the other end of feedback winding L1 should be connected to the base of T2.
2. Connection from the battery terminals to the chassis tag should be as short as possible, and the wire used must be rated to carry 13 to 14 amperes.
3. Wherever heavy current flows, i.e. from the tag to the RL2 contacts and from there to emitter resistors (R8 and R9) through the centre—tap of X2, wiring must be done by 15SWG wire.
4. The no—load current is 5.5 to 6.5 amperes, depending upon the base drive. For a 122 cm ceiling fan load, it will rise to 8.5 to 9 amperes, and for both fan and tube light it will rise to around 12 to 13 amperes. lf it is more or less, adjust the values of R4 and R5 suitably.
5. Efficiency will be around 80 per cent on full load.
6. Sometimes the tube light may not light immediately on switch on, or it may start blinking when the fan is working. In such an event, a 0.68 F paper condenser rated at 400V in series with a push button switch may be connected (as shown by dotted lines) across A and B terminals of X2. However this is not necessary when it automatically takes over upon failing of mains. provided S2 and tube light switch are kept closed.
A 12V 5 plate lead-acid battery used in automobiles is the minimum requirement for this system. This battery can be used for about four hours continuously at full load. Since the battery is used in inverter system, it never attains full charge, even when put under charge for long hours. As these batteries are not intended for cyclic operation, only 75 per cent of the stored energy can be used. Deep discharge or over-charge should be avoided.

Thursday, September 25, 2014
Simple Light Activated Switch Using IC555
It is particularly well suited to control outside lighting as used for driveways and garage entrances: Contrary to its normal use as an astable or monostable multivibrator, the Type 555 IC in this circuit functions as a comparator. To explain this rather I unusual application, it is necessarily to note that the operation of a 555 is normally as ( follows: the output goes high 1 upon receipt of a trigger (start) pulse on input pin 2. This pulse is a voltage whose level is lower than of the supply voltage. The output goes low again when the voltage at the second input, pin 6, has briefly exceeded of the supply level.
In the present design, the second input is not used, but the output of the chip can none the less revert to the low state, since pin 6 is connected direct to the positive supply rail. This setup is accounted for by the accompanying Table, taken from the 555’s data sheets. In principle, the supply voltage for the circuit must equal the coil voltage of the relay. Do not / t apply more than 16 M however as this may damage the 555. The current consumption of the circuit is 4mA, exclusive of the relay at a supply level of 12 V Components R2 and C1 ensure a delay of about l0s before the relay is energized, so that the circuit is rendered insensitive to rapid changes in the light intensity Basically the circuit has no hysteresis effect. However, when the supply is not regulated, the actuation of the relay y will lower the supply level somewhat. This lowers the internal threshold of the IC, since the trigger point is defined as of the supply level (pin 2).
Therefore, the hysteresis of the circuit can be dimensioned as required by fitting a resistor in series with the supply. It is also possible to tit a resistor between pins 5 and 7 of { the 555, as shown in the circuit diagram. The amount of hysteresis is inversely proportional to l the value of the resistor, and 100K is a reasonable starting point for experiments. The sensitivity of the trigger circuit can be controlled if R1 is replaced with a 1M potentiometer or preset.

Schmitt Trigger Using IC 555
lt enables the use of an NE555 as a general-purpose Schmitt trigger with externally adjustable characteristics. Rl and R2 form a potential divider of Vcc and apply a voltage V1 = R1/R1+R2 * Vcc to terminal 6. Similarly, a voltage V2 = R3/R3+R4 * Vcc is applied to terminal 2. The input voltage Vi is applied to terminal 5 (negative . terminal of threshold comparator).
Also, the input voltage V1 is divided into half (by the internal 5k resistors) and is applied to the positive terminal of the trigger comparator. When the input voltage exceeds twice the value of V2, the trigger comparator output becomes high and the output of NE555 becomes high. After exceeding twice the value of V2, if the input voltage reduces, no change in the timer output occurs until the input voltage goes below VI. When the input goes below V1, the threshold comparator output goes high and the timer output goes low. Thus the NE555 acts as a Schmitt trigger with adjustable hysteresis points of 2 XSV2 and Vl. ’ .
Care should be taken to keep 2xV2 larger than Vl, as is expected from any Schmitt trigger. If this is not satisfied, the timer will not behave as a Schmitt trigger but will operate as a simple comparator (with 2xV2 as the comparison voltage). Another important point is that the internal impedance of the input voltage should be very low, so that the voltage at negative input of the threshold comparator is now significantly modified by the internal potential dividing resistors

A typical circuit is given in Fig. 2 along with input and
output waveforms.
Simple Capacitive Switch Circuit Using IC 555
By changing the existing frequency of the signal the average integrated value remains the same but, at the instant when the frequency is changed, a positive or negative voltage peak will appear due to the momentary change in the average waveform of the signal. This is the principle upon which our switch is based. The 555 or 7555 timers will oscillate in a stable manner. However, if we add an external capacitive sensor it becomes possible to vary the oscillation frequency. ln this circuit the square wave is integrated by the triple RC network, while IC2, used as a comparator (with a variable reference value), uses the changes in the integrated voltage to alternately make and break the relay.

Thus when you e move close to C the relay makes; if you remain stationary the relay breaks. It may seem a blt basic but it is a valid idea and it is worth l looking at it in greater detail. To obtain better results you could take the signal after integration and differentiate between negative pulses (the frequency decreases as the value of C increases: when the sensor is approached) and positive pulses (the frequency increases again if the sensor is no longer affected) and compare them. Without this l refinement the size of the sensitive plate must be such that the frequency of oscillation be at least several kHz. Failing this the operation of the circuit would often be disrupted by false detections. Coarse and fine adjustment is provided, using P1 and P2, to reduce the risk of incorrect switching. Note: The numbers in parentheses are the pins if an LM3l1 is used in place of the CA3130
Simple Flasher Circuit Using Unijunction Transistor
In this flasher circuit unijunction transistor G1 is used as a relaxation oscillator supplying a continuous train of pulses to the gates of the SCRs. Assume that SCR2 has been triggered into conduction and that lamp 2 is energized. The next trigger pulse from O1 triggers SCR1, this discharges C2 and the resultant commutation pulse turns off SCR2. The resistor R2 in the anode of SCR1 is of a value high enough to prevent SCR1 from latching on. SCR2 is re-triggered by the next triggering pulse from O1. Using the component values shown, the flash rate of this circuit is adjustable by R2 from 35 to 150 flashes a minute.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014
32 Kb ROM Circuit Diagram
- This versatile, exchangeable, memory module should appeal to programmers developing software for computers other than the one being used for writing, testing and debugging the program.
- It is absolutely necessary to first fit all the SMA parts, at both ! sides of the board, then the f fitting this onto the 27 protruding pins at the copper side. Connect the battery supply E wires and the wire to Si (N WDS) to the respective points at the component side. Use a pair of precision pliers to carefully bend pins 28, 27, 22 and 20 of the 43256 or 6264 slightly to the right of the other pins in the row.
- The ICs fitted were Types 74HC00 (SMD) and a 43256C-12L (120 ns). The module is configured as a 32 Kbyte RAM block by fitting wire jumper A-C, while jumper B-C selects 2 x16 Kbyte. The latter configuration is required when the socket that receives the module is intended for a maximum memory capacity of 16 Kbyte (ROM or RAM), as on the BBC sideway extension board. A Type 6264 RAM can be used in the IC; position when only 8 Kbytes are required.
- The battery back- up function of the module ensures that data is retained, and so makes it possible to use "portable", software that is ROM-based and yet can be altered readily without having to program and erase an EPROM a number of times.
- It is recommended to open S1 after turning the computer off to prevent the battery having to supply some 50 nA for prolonged periods: this current flows into the NWDS driver via Rm. N0n—BBC or Electron Plus-l users should note that the NWDS signal is the same as WRITE, not READ/WRITE.
- When a miniature battery is available, this can be fitted underneath the RAM chip. For BBC users: wires CE and? are conveniently connected to pins 22 and 20 respectively of a 28-way IC socket for plugging into the adjacent ROM/RAM socket on the BBC’s sideway extension board; the NWDS signal is available at pin 8 of ICn. Switch S1 is mounted at a convenient location on the computer’s rear panel, and when opened inhibits writing into the RAM.
- The input voltage dropped from 1.5 to 1 V This effect is normal, however, and is due to the inputs of the HC gates briefly being in an undefined state.
- This enables pushing these four IC pins in the previously mentioned, separ- ate, socket pins, while the 24 others are inserted in the usual manner. The battery is conveniently mounted at some distance from the module.
- Input 1 of Ns is grounded via Rv, so that E on the RAM is held high, causing the chip to switch to the power-down (standby) mode.
- The memory module is based on the use of a Type 43256 i 32 Kbyte static CMOS RAM from NEC—see Fig. li Other 32 K types, such as the 62256, should also work here. A battery (2 button cells, or a 2.4 V NiCd cell when D1 is bypassed 5 with a resistor to enable charging) enables the chip to retain its contents when the computer is off. When the +5V supply from the computer is on, T1 drives pin 1 of Ns high, so that this gate can enable the RAM via the ci input.
- The supply set ; up around T3-T2 then feeds all the chips on the board with about 4.8 VY The drop across the C-E junction of Ti is less than 0.2 V here since the transistor is driven into saturation.
- When the computer is switched off, the Q circuit is fed from the battery f via germanium diode D1 Voltage divider R5-Rs causes T1 to be turned off when the supply level drops below some 4.5 V .
- Neither jumper need then be fitted. Successfully constructing the RAM module requires great care in soldering the SMA parts onto the board shown in Fig.
32 Kb ROM Circuit Diagram

How to Make a Simple Solar Tracker Circuit Dual Axis
The present interest in solar energy is therefore not surprising. Some work has already been done with solar cells and solar panels. However, these only operate with optimum performance when positioned exactly at right- angles to the sun. Unfortunately, this situation is not usual in our latitudes unless the solar panels are rotated with respect to the sun. The efficiency of a solar panel system can be improved if the panels track the sun, and remain as long as possible at the most favorable angle of incidence. The circuitry required is relatively simple. lt uses a window comparator which keeps the drive motor idle, as long as the two LDrs are subjected to the same illumination. Half the operating voltage is then applied to the non-inverting input of A1 and to the inverting input of A2. When the position of the sun changes, the illumination affecting LDRs R1 and 1 R2 is different, if they are at an angle to each other as shown in figure 2. In this case, the input voltage for the window comparator deviates from half the supply voltage, so that the output of the comparator provides information to the motor for clockwise or anticlockwise rotation.
Transistors T1 . . . T4 in a bridge circuit cater for reversing of I the motor. Diodes D1 . . . D4 serve I to suppress voltage peaks which can 1 be produced when the motor is switched. Preset potentiometers P1 and P2 are used for alignment. They are adjusted so that the motor is idle when the LDRs are subjected to the same illumination. if less light reaches LDR R2 than LDR R1 , the voltage at point A rises to more than half the supply voltage. The result is that the output of A1 goes high and transistors T1 and T4 conduct. The motor then runs. if the illumination of the LDRs is then changed so that the voltage at point A drops to less than half the supply voltage, output A2 goes high T and transistors T3 and T2 must conduct. The motor them rotates in the opposite direction. Small geared motors of the type used for models, with a suitable voltage and maximum operating current of 300 mA, are suitable for driving the solar panels. The use of this control circuit makes it possible to control the solar panel in one plane. Of course, in order to track the sun from sunrise to sun- down, two control circuits will be required: one for horizontal and one for vertical tracking.

Simple Variable Voltage Current Power Supply Circuit Using a Single FET
- For many applications the requirements are not that stringent and a simple, discretely constructed regulator as described here will suffice.
- The current limiting components can then be left out.
- With values as shown, the output I voltage is 12V and the output current is limited to 0.5 A. For applications not requiring current limiting the circuit can supply up to 1 A.
- The relation between input voltage, load resistance and regulated output voltage is shown in table 1.
- This table can therefore be used to determine whether the regulation for a particular application is sufficient. The ’heart’ of the regulator, high power low-frequency transistor T1, l must be fitted onto an adequate heatsink. FET T3 operates as a current source with an output 3, maximum of 11 . . . 18 mA: this it limits the base current of T1, of course, but the alternative would have been a very low value resistor; ‘ or this would have resulted in large!
- The cost of high grade, regulated power supplies has dropped with the advent of modern lCs.
2N3055 Variable power supply
This simple variable power supply circuit has a low production cost and delivers an output voltage between 1,5 V and 15 V with a 500 mA maximum current. Its stabilization is better than 2% if the current consumption do not exceed 350 mA. The variation of the power supply voltage can be made with a potentiometer and when overloading occurs a buzzer sounds a alarm.
BUY 1A 1.5V-35V Variable Power Supply Kit
T4 compairs the P1 slider voltage with the output voltage. Then the P1 slider voltage is 0,65 V higher than the adjusted voltage, T2 opens, which stops the T3-T5 Darlington base current.
The 18V, 1A transformer voltage must be filtered with B1 and C1. When the output current is more then 500 mA, the Bz1 starts the alarm (overloading). Bz1 must be a 24 V type, auto-oscillating.
Read more source:
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
3 Channel Audio Mixer using LM3900 circuit and explanation
In designing this mini audio mixer schematic you can freely choose the value of the resistor R2 (100k in the mixer schematic). Set the AC voltage amplification factor through the ration of R2/R1. To set the amplifier gain correctly, choose the value of R4=2R2 (double the value of R2).
Diagram 1.0 shows the 3-channel sound mixer circuit using three Norton-opamps. The input levels can be set by potentiometers P1 or P3. Furthermore, each input level can be trimmed with the help of trimmers pots P4 to P6 to adapt each input to the source. The resistors at the non-inverting inputs of the opamps work as DC bias and set the DC output at 50 percent of the power supply for this powered audio mixer. All three input signals are summed by the fourth opamp A4 through the resistors R3, R7 and R11. The commom volume level is cotrolled through the potentiometer P7.
You can switch an input channel on or off through the switches S1 and S3. An input channel is turned off when its switch is closed. It is also possible to replace these mechanical switches with transistor gates. By doing so, you can build an analog multiplexer circuit that can be easily expanded by several inputs.
Battery Charger circuit for car
This charger will quickly and easily charge most any lead acid battery. The charger delivers full current until the current drawn by the battery falls to 150 mA. At this time, a lower voltage is applied to finish off and keep from over charging. When the battery is fully charged, the circuit switches off and lights a LED, telling you that the cycle has finished.
Circuit diagram
R1 500 Ohm 1/4 W Resistor
R2 3K 1/4 W Resistor
R3 1K 1/4 W Resistor
R4 15 Ohm 1/4 W Resistor
R5 230 Ohm 1/4 W Resistor
R6 15K 1/4 W Resistor
R7 0.2 Ohm 10 W Resistor
C1 0.1uF 25V Ceramic Capacitor
C2 1uF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C31000pF 25V Ceramic Capacitor
D1 1N457 Diode
Q1 2N2905 PNP Transistor
U1 LM350 Regulator
U2 LM301A Op Amp
S1Normally Open Push Button Switch
MISC Wire, Board, Heatsink For U1, Case, Binding Posts or Alligator Clips For Output
1. The circuit was meant to be powered by a power supply, which is why there is no transformer, rectifier, or filter capacitors on the schematic. There is no reason why you cannot add these.
2. A heatsink will be needed for U1.
3. To use the circuit, hook it up to a power supply/plug it in. Then, connect the battery to be charged to the output terminals. All you have to do now is push S1 (the "Start" switch), and wait for the circuit to finish.
4. If you want to use the charger without having to provide an external power supply, use the following circuit.
C1 6800uF 25V Electrolytic Capcitor
T1 3A 15V Transformer
BR1 5A 50V Bridge Rectifier 10A 50V Bridge Rectifier
S1 5A SPST Switch
F1 4A 250V Fuse
5. The first time you use the circuit, you should check up on it every once and a while to make sure that it is working properly and the battery is not being over charged.
web site:
Monday, September 22, 2014
300W Mosfet power amp OCL HIFI Class AB by K1530 J201
Younger student brother will take an interest to do electronics project sends a teacher. Then come to consult with me. He wants to build Mosfet power Amplifier 300W rms model the stereo Amp. Which be the character OCL the sound is good. I then try to seek the circuit gives him sees in rows the way , accidentally meet this circuit. which design by Anthony.E.Holton.
He designs this circuit well. Use power 2SK1530+2SJ201 MOSFET x 4 jigsaw puzzle parallel amounts. make have power amplify tall arrive at about 300W rms true power FULL watt. Detail other part want friends see in original circuit.
LA4440 Audio Amplifier 2x6w 1x19W
LA4440general description:

LA4440 features:
- Built-in 2 channels (dual) enabling use in stereo and bridge
- amplifier applications.
- Dual : 6W×2 (typ.)
- Bridge : 19W (typ.)
- Minimun number of external parts required.
- Small pop noise at the time of power supply ON/OFF and good starting balance.
- Good ripple rejection : 46dB (typ.)
- Good channel separation.
- Small residual noise (Rg=0).
- Low distortion over a wide range from low frequencies to high frequencies.
- Easy to design radiator fin.
- Built-in audio muting function.
- Built-in protectors.
- Thermal protector
- Overvoltage, surge voltage protector
- Pin-to-pin short protector
LA4440 specification:

LA4440 circuit diagram sterio:

LA4440 circuit diagram bridge:

LA4440 layout:

Sunday, September 21, 2014
50 Watts Simple Audio Power Amplifier from OSU IEEE Student Group
Someday, Ill do some substantial testing to determine exactly what the power output is, and create some more detailed pages about how to build this amplifier.
Update: the input transistor are 2N5210, not 2N2510 as shown above
Transistor | Color |
2N5210 | Blue |
MPSA56 | Pink |
MPSA06 | Yellow |
2N3904 | Green |
2N3906 | White |
These color parts placement diagrams are also available in as postscript files in a ZIP archive.
This parts list is under construction... Im gathering part info for several lists, so pleast dont assume this list is totally correct or complete.
Qty | Vendor | Part # | Description |
1 | Newark | 58F508 | Wakefield 421k Heatsink |
2 | Mouser | 567-7-373-BA | Low-Power TO-220 heatsink |
3 | Mouser | 592-2N5210 | Low Noise NPN, TO-92 |
1 | Mouser | 161-4215 | Phono Jack, 90 deg PCB mount |
1 | Mouser | 592-MPSA06 | Medium Power NPN, TO-92 |
1 | Mouser | 592-MPSA56 | Medium Power PNP, TO-92 |
1 | Mouser | 511-TIP29C | Power NPN, TO-220 |
1 | Mouser | 511-TIP30C | Power PNP, TO-220 |
1 | Mouser | 511-TIP33C | High Power NPN, TO-218 |
1 | Mouser | 511-TIP34C | High Power PNP, TO-218 |
2 | ?? | 2N3904 | General Purpose NPN |
1 | ?? | 2N3906 | General Purpose PNP |
2 | Mouser | 583-1N4742A | 12V Zener Diode |
5 | Mouser | 592-1N4148 | Small Signal Diode |
3 | Mouser | 583-1N4001 | 1A (slow) rectifier diode |
6 | Mouser | 140-XLR16V100 | 16V 100uF Capacitor (radial) |
1 | Mouser | 140-CD50N6-331K | 330pF NPO Capacitor |
1 | Mouser | 141-100N5-051J | 51 pF NPO Capacitor |
6 | Mouser | 140-PF2A104K | 0.1uF Mylar film capacitor |
2 | Mouser | 28PR002-0.3 | 3 Watt 0.3 Ohm Power resistor |
1 | Mouser | 594-63P502 | 5K Top adjust cermet trim pot |
2 | Mouser | 29SJ500-2.2K | 2.2K 1/2 Watt Carbon Resistor |
1/2 | Injectorall | PC18P | 4x6 board |
5 | 1/2 inch 4-40 machine screw | ||
5 | 4-40 nut | ||
5 | 4-40 lockwasher | ||
2 | Shoulder Washer | ||
2 | Insulator, TO-218 size | ||
1 | Cable Clamp | ||
2 | Red Wire, 18 AWG | ||
1 | Yellow Wire, 18 AWG | ||
1 | Orange Wire, 22 AWG | ||
2 | Blue Wire, 18 AWG | ||
1 | Purple Wire, 22 AWG | ||
2 | Green Wire, 18 AWG | ||
1 | Black Wire, 18 AWG | ||
1 | Black Wire, 22 AWG | ||
1 | White Wire, 22 AWG | ||
1 | Gray Wire, 22 AWG | ||
1 | Resistor, 4.7 Ohm, 5% | ||
2 | Resistor, 47 Ohm, 5% | ||
6 | Resistor, 220 Ohm, 5% | ||
1 | Resistor, 330 Ohm, 5% | ||
2 | Resistor, 1k, 5% | ||
2 | Resistor, 1.1k, 5% | ||
1 | Resistor, 3k, 5% | ||
1 | Resistor, 6.8k, 5% | ||
1 | Resistor, 22k, 5% | ||
1 | Resistor, 47k, 5% | ||
1 | Resistor, 10k, 1%, metal film | ||
1 | Resistor, 47k, 1%, metal film | ||
Note: The TIP33C and TIP34C have been discontinued and are generally not available anywhere. A wide range of power transistors will work, but they should be rated for at least 100V, 8A, and 80W power dissipation. Safe area operating curves and good thermal dissipation data are rarely available, so its a guessing game. The more expensive TO-3 package parts, such as the MJ15003 & MJ15004 will certainly be more than sufficient for replacing the TIP33C & TIP34C. The only really compelling reason to use the TIP33C & TIP34C are because they cost less and come in a TO-218 package, which requires only one mounting hole.
Diode assembly: Gray 22 AWG (cathode)
White 22 AWG (annode)
NPN Power Transistor: Red 18 AWG (collector)
Orange 22 AWG (base)
Yellow 18 AWG (emitter)
PNP Power Transistor: Green 18 AWG (collector)
Violet 22 AWG (base)
Blue 18 AWG (emitter)
Input Signal: No wires, PCB mount jack
Output Signal: Blue 18 AWG (from PC board)
Black 18 AWG (from power supply)
PC Board Power: Red 18 AWG (to +35V on supply)
Black 22 Awg (to ground on supply)
Green 18 AWG (to -35V on supply)
Mouser - 800-346-6873, 619-449-2222Newark - 800-463-9275, 503-297-1984
Injectorall - 800-878-7227, 516-563-3388
If any of these tests fail, the amp is not constructed properly... the easiest and best way to find the problem is visual inspection.- Turn variable resistor fully counterclockwise (max resistance)
- Connect to +/- 24 volt supply with 200mA current limit. No input and no output connected. Monitor current from power supply with a current meter.
- Apply power... if current is above about 25 mA, shut off immediately!
- Measure voltage across the 1k resistor connected to the input stage and Vcc. The DC voltage should be about 2 volt, or 2 mA of current through this resistor. Eg, if Vcc is at 24 volts, the side of this resistor connected to the 2N5210 transisor ought to be at about 22 volts.
- Measure the DC voltage on the output line. It should be appox zero volts. -0.2 volts is probably fine.
- Turn the variable resistor slowly until the amplifers current consumption is approx 50 mA. Turn slowly and be careful... if you turn too far you could damage the output transistors.
- Conect an oscilloscope to the output and apply a low amplitude 20 kHz square wave to the input. DO NOT connect any speakers during this test. This test should be done without the 330 pF capacitor installed. The amp should output a 20 kHz square wave with very little "ringing". It should not oscillate.
- Solder the 330 pF capacitor into the circuit.
- Shut off the power, connect audio input and a speaker. Make sure the volume is turned all the way down. Apply power... watch current meter again and shut off the power immediately if the current jumps to something much higher than 50 mA.
- Slowly turn up the volume and see if the amp works. DO NOT turn it up very much... the amplifier should not be operated with a supply less than +/- 30 volts. It should never be used for high volume output without a power supply rated for at least 2 amps of current (8 ohm load). After this initial test with +/- 24V at 200 mA (current limited) only a proper power supply should be used which can provide enough current.
12 Volt 30 Amp PSU circuit diagram and description
Using a single 7812 IC voltage regulator and multiple outboard pass transistors, this power supply can deliver output load currents of up to 30 amps. The design is shown below:
Circuit diagram
The input transformer is likely to be the most expensive part of the entire project. As an alternative, a couple of 12 Volt car batteries could be used. The input voltage to the regulator must be at least several volts higher than the output voltage (12V) so that the regulator can maintain its output. If a transformer is used, then the rectifier diodes must be capable of passing a very high peak forward current, typically 100amps or more. The 7812 IC will only pass 1 amp or less of the output current, the remainder being supplied by the outboard pass transistors. As the circuit is designed to handle loads of up to 30 amps, then six TIP2955 are wired in parallel to meet this demand. The dissipation in each power transistor is one sixth of the total load, but adequate heat sinking is still required. Maximum load current will generate maximum dissipation, so a very large heat sink is required. In considering a heat sink, it may be a good idea to look for either a fan or water cooled heat sink. In the event that the power transistors should fail, then the regulator would have to supply full load current and would fail with catastrophic results. A 1 amp fuse in the regulators output prevents a safeguard. The 400mohm load is for test purposes only and should not be included in the final circuit. A simulated performance is shown below:
This circuit is a fine example of Kirchoffs current and voltage laws. To summarise, the sum of the currents entering a junction, must equal the current leaving the junction, and the voltages around a loop must equal zero. For example, in the diagram above, the input voltage is 24 volts. 4 volts is dropped across R7 and 20 volts across the regulator input, 24 -4 -20 =0. At the output :- the total load current is 30 amps, the regulator supplies 0.866 A and the 6 transistors 4.855 Amp each , 30 = 6 * 4.855 + 0.866. Each power transistor contributes around 4.86 A to the load. The base current is about 138 mA per transistor. A DC current gain of 35 at a collector current of 6 amp is required. This is well within the limits of the TIP2955. Resistors R1 to R6 are included for stability and prevent current swamping as the manufacturing tolerances of dc current gain will be different for each transistor. Resistor R7 is 100 ohms and develops 4 Volts with maximun load. Power dissipation is hence (4^2)/200 or about 160 mW. I recommend using a 0.5 Watt resistor for R7. The input current to the regulator is fed via the emitter resistor and base emitter junctions of the power transistors. Once again using Kirchoffs current laws, the 871 mA regulator input current is derived from the base chain and the 40.3 mA flowing through the 100 Ohm resistor. 871.18 = 40.3 + 830. 88. The current from the regulator itself cannot be greater than the input current. As can be seen the regulator only draws about 5 mA and should run cold.
web site:
Mercedes Explanation Fuse Box Year Benz 2002 W211 Diagram
Fuse Box Mercedes-Benz 2002 W211 Diagram

Fuse Panel Layout Diagram Parts: AIRmatic relay, Driver signal acquisition and actuation module (SAM-D), Rear pre-fuse box, Interior fuse box (left of instrument panel), Systems battery, Auxiliary battery, Alternator, Passenger signal acquisition and actuation module (SAM-P), Air conditioning control module, Battery control module, Communication platform (CP), Starter motor, Traction system hydraulic unit, Voice recognition module (VCS), Front pre-fuse box, Auxiliary battery relay, Electric suction fan with integrated control, Pneumatic pump of dynamic seat control, Interior socket, Rear signal acquisition and actuation module (SAM-R).
Fuse Box BMW R1150GS Instrument Cluster Diagram
Fuse Box BMW R1150GS Instrument Cluster Diagram

Fuse Panel Layout Diagram Parts: instrument cluster, dial needle damping, brake light, tail light, side light, driver information display, socket, horn, motronic, diagnostic connector, fuel pump, heated handles.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
1200W power amplifier with sanken
This 1200W power amplifier with sanken using a booster 8 sets sanken , the buffer using transistor D400 and B560 as much 2 sets , and to use part of the driver transistor B546/A940 and D401/C2168. 1200W power amplifier with sanken have least 20 volts and the voltage to 70 volts maximum with three voltage is +,-,ground. 1200W power amplifier with sanken Power Output 2 X 600 Watt with 8 Ohm Impedance.
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Circuit audio amplifier 600 Watt |
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Circuit of PCB so from 2 X 600 watts (looked down) |
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Circuit of PCB (looked upon) |
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The above is a circuit of ready to operate , just stay put booster. |
Fuse Box Ford 1995 Mustang Keyless Entry Diagram
Fuse Box Ford 1995 Mustang Keyless Entry Diagram
Fuse Panel Layout Diagram Parts: passenger door unlock, interior lamp, luggage compartment, battery saver, park lamp, battery power, horn relay, lock all door output, door unlock output, interior lamp, door jamb input.
Low drop Regulator with Indicator Circuit Diagram
Friday, September 19, 2014
Two Wire Temperature Sensor
Remote temperature measurements have to be linked by some sort of cable to the relevant test instrument. Normally, this is a three-core cable: one core for the signal and the other two for the supply lines. If the link is required to be a two-core cable, one of the supply lines and the signal line have to be combined. This is possible with, for instance, temperature sensors LM334 and LM335. However, these devices provide an output that is directly proportional to absolute temperature and this is not always a practical proposition.
Circuit diagram :
Two-Wire Temperature Sensor Circuit Diagram
If an output signal that is directly proportional to the celsius temperature scale is desired, the present circuit, which uses a Type LM45 sensor, offers a good solution. The LM45 sensor is powered by an alternating voltage, while its out-put is a direct voltage.
The supply to the sensor is provided by a sine-wave generator, based on A 1 and A 2 (see diagram). The alternating volt-age is applied to the signal line in the two-core cable via coupling capacitor C 6 .
The sensor contains a volt-age-doubling rectifier formed by D 1 -D 2 -C 1 -C 2 . This network converts the applied alternating voltage into a direct voltage. Resistor R 2 isolates the output from the load capacitance, while choke L 1 couples the output signal of the sensor to the signal line in the cable. Choke L 1 and capacitor C 2 protect the output against the alternating voltage present on the line.
At the other end of the link, network R 3 -L 2 -C 4 forms a low-pass section that prevents the alternating supply voltage from combining with the sensor out-put. Capacitor C 5 prevents a direct current through R 3 , since this would attenuate the temper-ature-dependent voltage.
The output load should have a high resistance, some 100 kΩ or even higher. The circuit draws a current of a few mA.
Car amplifier circuit with IC BA532
Minimum Voltage required for this circuit 6 volt and maximum voltage 18 volt . Its can use to amplifier on the electronic devices such us Radio , DVD , MP4 , MP5 , and etc. To amplify the signal sound to audio sound , If you want to bring amplfier you can use the 6V rechargeable battery is able to turn it. What use the rechargeable battery ? because with rechargeable battery when battery runs out , you can charge back.
See Amplifier schematic with IC BA511 below :
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Click to view large |
Maximum output power 10 Watt with impedance 4 ohm. The circuit is mono amplifier. You can use the circuit to car amplifier because support to low power subwoofer speaker
Explanation Fuse Box Chevrolet Impala Left Instrument Panel 2000 Diagram
Fuse Box Chevrolet Impala Left Instrument Panel 2000 Diagram

Fuse Panel Layout Diagram Parts: instrument panel, junction block, junction block connector, main body wiring harness.
Mercedes Explanation Fuse Box Year 1997 Benz R170 Diagram
Fuse Box Mercedes 1997 Benz R170 Diagram

Fuse Panel Layout Diagram Parts: sound booster, power window, seat adjustment, hydraulic unit, control locking, trunk light, ignition coil, washer liquid heater, washer nozzle heater, anti theft alarm, garage door opening signal, control unit, child seat recognition system, cigar lighter, glove compartment light, seat heater, instrument cluster, circulating air, indicator, exterior mirror adjustment, roof light, horn.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Charger circuit equipped with a regulator circuit output voltage
The circuit charger is equipped with voltage output settings , so that we can regulate how much voltage to charge the battery. And the settings using the potentio making it easier for us managing voltage up to a mV. See charger circuit below :

Adjust the circuit by setting the 500 Ohm resistor while it is attached to a fully charged battery.
You can use the circuit to charge :
- Cells battery
- Wet Accu
- Dry Accu
- Nicad battery
- Solar battery
Inverter 12V to 115V with 25 W power output
Low power inverter schematic are only use 9 components , one of which IC 556 , TIP120 NPN Darlington transistor.And turns 10 to 16 Vdc into 60 HZ, output 115 V square-wave power to operate ac equipment up to 25 W. In the circuit first ic originally hires as a timer chip m for stabilizatiom oscilator with components R1 and C1 setting frequency oscilator. Then the two transistor driver, drive the transformer push-pull fashion, When one transistor is biased on , the other circuit cut-off . The transformer is a 120V/18Vct unit that is connected backwards, so that it steps the voltage up rather than down. Oscilator circuit operates from about 4 to 16 V for stable output.
Part List :
R1 = 1K
R2 = 12K
R3 = 1K
R4 = 1/4W
C1 = 1uF
IC = 556
Q1 = TIP120
Q2 = TIP120
T1 = 120V 18VCT
LF351 Audio Amplifier

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Electronic Door Minder using 555 Timer
This door minder electronic project uses an IR beam to monitor door & passage-ways or any other area. When the IR beam is broken a relay is tripped which can be used to sound a bell or alarm. This door minder electronic project is suitable for detecting customers entering a shop, cars coming up a driveway, etc.
Circuit Diagram
Electronic Door Minder using 555 Timer Transmitter Circuit Diagram
Because the IR beam is very strong distances over 25 yards can be monitored with electronic circuit . This circuit must be powered from a 12volt DC supply. The transmitter circuit consists of two square-wave oscillators, one running at approx. 250Hz and the other running at 38kHz. The 38kHz frequency acts as a carrier wave and is required by the IR receiver module on the receiver board.The oscillators are made by using two 555 timer ICs set up as astable configuration multivibrators.Another 555 timer ( IC2) is used for the 38KHz oscillator. Resistors R4 and R5 and capacitor C3 set the frequency.Diodes D1 and D3 are used to create a symmetrical output.
Circuit diagram :
Electronic Door Minder using 555 Timer Receiver Circuit Diagram
Normally the external capacitor C1 (C3) charges through resistors R1 and R2 (R4 and R5) and discharges through R2 (R5). Without the diodes this output waveform would have a longer “high” time than the “low” time. The output from the IC1 is coupled via diode D2 and resistor R3 to the trigger input of IC2. When the IC1 output is low it stops IC2 from running and IC2’s output is forced high (no IR LED current). When IC1 output is high, IC2 runs and the IR LED is pulsed at 38KHz.The receiver module consists of an IR receiver module that detects the incoming beam from the transmitter. The IR signal is used to keep a capacitor charged which in turn holds a relay operated. When the beam is broken the capacitor discharges and the relay releases.